New bookmakers and have been added.
2018年08月20日(月) | » |
New bookmakers and have been added. |
2018年08月15日(水) | » |
Improved |
2018年07月23日(月) | » |
Fixed |
2018年06月28日(木) | » |
Today, from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC, customers had problems with access to the service. We apologize for the inconvenience, one day added for free for all accounts. |
2018年06月20日(水) | » |
For search for an event, enter any part of the name in the input at the top right and press Surebets (middles, valuebets) will be displayed if at least one team from the event matches at least one bookmaker (not necessarily included in this surebet). If the query contains the word |
2018年06月07日(木) | » |
Troubles with access to our site from some countries are fixed. |
2018年05月25日(金) | » |
Fixed bugs in Fixed bugs in
2018年05月14日(月) | » |
Yesterday in the second half of the day about 6 hours surebets work was unstable. We apologize for the inconvenience, one free day added for all customers. |
2018年05月09日(水) | » |
For legal reasons prices on the site will be displayed in euro. Tariffs remain same, only currency has been changed. |
2018年04月28日(土) | » |
Betfair’s handicaps of the form |
2018年04月16日(月) | » |
The site interface has been updated to the new version. Now it has become even more clear and much better optimized for mobile devices. |
2018年01月08日(月) | » |
Now you can filter and sort the surebets by ROI (Return Of Investments). |
2017年10月16日(月) | » |
By voting results, two more bookmakers were added to our list. Betstars is a bookmaker from the creators of the famous poker room Pokerstars. New, but ambitious bookmaker. PlanetWin365 – bookmaker with Austrian roots, existing since 2009. It is quite popular in Italy and Spain. |
2017年10月11日(水) | » |
| and have been added to our list of bookmakers. If you want to add your bookmakers, you can vote for them or suggest new ones. To do this, click on the Bookmakers in the Filter surebets section and in the appearing window click at Need another bookmaker? As necessary we will add bookmakers based on the voting results. |
2015年12月28日(月) | » |
We would like to wish you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! As a gift we will extended subscription period up to 100%!
2015年12月01日(火) | » |
You can now save up to sixteen filters. Each saved filter must have a unique name and can contain different sets of bookmakers, restrictions of the time of appearance or profitability of surebets, middles or value bets. To save a new filter, select the necessary parameters, click on the name of the current filter, then click “Save as” in the opened menu and enter the name of the new filter. さらに表示 |